Saturday, December 31, 2011

From the Old To the New

   Another year has come and gone and life moves on at it's own pace.  2011 has brought changes to my life and, in the process, I learned some life lessons and experienced many highs and lows.  I learned who are my friends. Who are good people and who are cruel by nature and just enjoy watching me hurt. I am still fighting some battles with people who have nothing better to do with their time than to inflict pain on me but I know this too shall pass.  I realized what I want in my life and who I want in my life.  I continued to forgive, but never to forget.  I discovered a place to get my volunteering fix that makes me feel good inside.  I began seriously working on my first book and I found that the words flow effortlessly when I don't try to force them.  I learned that God means a lot more to me than I ever realized.  I learned to open up to people and not to keep my feelings and fears bottled up - I don't have to always be strong.  I learned not to take my children for granted.  I learned what true love is all about.  I made friends with people who I know will be important parts of my life forever.  I found relatives on two continents who I never knew existed.  I experienced the heartbreak of finding a dear friend after years of searching, only to discover from her husband that she had passed on years ago.  I am grateful that I still have my precious "Mom" in my life 19 years after her son lost her in our divorce.   
   Like so many people, I too made New Year's Resolutions.  I think mine are easy to achieve.  I vow to eat more chocolate and to keep people smiling.  Nothing difficult, just simple goals. Anything else I do will be a bonus.
   I wonder what the New Year will bring.  I have had the over-whelming feeling that something great and wonderful is going to happen to me, to us.  Like there will be a big change.  Matthew says it's a feeling of happiness from the huge party we will throw after India heads off to college but I don't think that's it.  I wonder if this is my last winter here, in snow country.  I wonder where we will be, what we will be doing.  God has a plan and he isn't ready to let me in on it yet.  Whatever the new year brings, the feeling I have is surrounded by peacefulness.  2012 will be our year to shine.

May the Year 2012 bring  for you...
Happiness and Success and may it be filled with Peace, Hope and Togetherness of your family and friends
Wishing you a Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Tell the Difference Between a Nerd and a Geek


 I love my son. I really do.  Raising him as a single Mom, Matthew and I have a close relationship.  Unfortunately, my sweet son often forgets that I am a mere mortal in his technology-based world as he rambles on and on and on and on...... to me about some new gizmo in the church sound booth (where he is tech director) or some thing-a-ma-bobby in computerland (where he designs websites) or whatever new and fascinating techy thing he just has to share with me.  I've been told that, even though I will continue eye contact (I am so glad he got those beautiful deep blue eyes), he often feels that I might actually be planning our dinner menu for the next week, or thinking what I need to do later, or even mentally writing my shopping list (they are a much deeper blue than his Dad's).  Matthew says I develop this vacant stare as I nod at the appropriate times and maintain eye contact (Matthew's Dad's eyes are a deeper shade than his own Dad).  I wish I could say Matthew has my undivided attention but at the first mention of any technological term, I just drift off (I wonder if his children will have even deeper blue......)

   For many years we have referred to Matthew, interchangeably, as both a Nerd and a Geek.  After discussing this with my other children, I did what I do best - I googled it. (They don't call me "The Google Queen" for nothing.)  Lookey what I found out over at Wikihow in an article edited by Nicole Willson and 55 others. (Seriously? It takes 56 people to edit an article?  Okay then...)

   Oh, and just in case you are wondering, we decided Matthew is a Geek. While, according to what I have learned, India, William, Andrew, Jerome and I all seem to be hovering around somewhere between geekiness and nerdliness (gnerks?). Hmmm...  {I'm not sure where Amanda's "all things cheerleading" obsession fits in.}

Now back to the article:

The terms "nerd" and "geek" are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Both terms can be viewed as either endearing or pejorative, depending on how the term is applied, by whom, and to whom. And there is always passion aplenty involved in the definition and application of either term. This article will help you to tell the difference between nerds and geeks, with ample room for your own subjective interpretation!

Step 1:
Understand the terms. While the terms are often used interchangeably by people "less-in-the-know", and for some people who self-apply the labels "geek" or "nerd", there is often an overlap in characteristics, and there are some characteristics that can be emphasized:
  • The term "nerd" was apparently coined in 1954, possibly from the Dr Seuss line "A nerkle, a nerd, and a seersucker too!". A nerd could be viewed as someone with an extremely intense interest or fascination in an academic field of study (often an obscure field), or similar "cerebral" pursuit. Being a nerd is typically associated with intellect, as a nerd often enjoys specializing in complicated fields of study. Nerds may also have difficulties socialising with others, as many tend towards being introverted, although it is also said that a nerd cannot be bothered developing social skills while busy with other interests. Nerds often have gained a strong and diverse skill set from their studies and experiences, which may at times be unorthodox or impractical. Nerd interests may cover a broad range of interests, from movies to games (video and table-top), to more practical skills such as computer science.
    • Very likely to be a rocket scientist, a renowned yet reclusive professor, a scientist, an intellectual, a computer programmer, an engineer, an inventor, etc.
  • The term "geek" is often said to have originated from circus performers in sideshows, referring to those who performed bizarre feats. However, its earliest meaning is, "one who is regarded as foolish, offensive, worthless, etc." Today, the term has taken on a positive slant and a geek could be viewed as someone with an interest or lifestyle having to do with niche activities, especially fandom and technology. It is not uncommon for a geek to be capable of reciting large amounts of knowledge that is unintuitive, intriguing and (at times) long-winded. The knowledge could be anything from the mundane to 'living encyclopedia' status. Geeks tend to have average grades. Geeks can vary in their interests, from fun (films) and sometimes even frivolous things (collecting plastic figurines), to heavily technological interests (computing, hacking, and programming). Urban Dictionary goes so far as to suggest that society still views computer programming as a "bizarre feat" and the term "geek" is a proud label reflecting this.
  • Likely to be a gamer, a Star Trek fan, technologically enthused, a film series/book series buff, a free-spirited (not malevolent) technology hacker, a creator of unusual objects (artist, etc.), etc.
Step 2:
Observe the person. What sort of words and phrases do they interject into their dialogue?
  • Jargon and obscure referencing: Nerds are unabashed about using jargon or unfamiliar terminology in their dialogue, whereas geeks will use obscure references abundantly.
  • Details: Geeks often take interest in the microcosmic details of life, such as noticing that your present situation is much like one from a news article or novel. Nerds will be seemingly uninterested in the details of daily life, being more focused on the macroscopic, such as scientific possibilities and the future of humankind.
Step 3:
Take a quick inventory of their prominent possessions, especially ones related to hobbies and other interests. Check for unusual objects, such as a dictionary of an obscure language, or an encyclopedia of exotic birds. Nerds may be more willing than geeks to show off hobbies and possessions that flaunt their intellect, whereas geeks may take pride in more obscure and unique subjects.
Step 4:
Engage the person in conversation. If the person fails to respond in a socially comfortable manner (i.e., they make you nervous, or vice versa), you may be talking to a nerd. If they respond in a comfortable manner but appear a little "dorky", such as speaking and/or acting silly, you might be talking to a geek. Also, nerds may speak in layman's terms for your benefit because you may not understand the basic concepts of their area of interest. Geeks may speak in detail about their interests, possibly forgetting that the target audience may not have the same level of knowledge in that field as themselves.
  • Jokes: Geeks usually get them, nerds either don't, or can't be bothered trying.
Step 5:
Inquire about the person's interests. Hobbies which do not elicit emotion, such as frequent studying of academic works, are good indications of a nerd, while an obsession with the practice of academics (i.e., a passionate college lecturer) would indicate a geek.
  • Example nerd interests for comparison:
    1. Physics (such as quantum mechanics or astronomy), chemistry, biology, engineering and fuzzy math
    2. Chess, and other strategy games
    3. 17th century English literature
    4. Classical music
    5. International politics and CSpan stuff
    6. Computer programming (overlap interest)
  • Example geek interests for comparison:
    • Specialized forms of activities, such as 'tricking'
    • "Niche" activities, such as electrical engineering
    • Novels that have a foundation within a field of study
    • Noise, techno-music
    • "Odd" activities, such as creating Rube-Goldberg machines
    • Computer programming (overlap interest)
Step 6:
Check out the partner of the person in question. Matt Blum claims that geeks have no problem falling in love with non-geeks but nerds always fall in love with other nerds. However, not all geeks/nerds want the attention of a love interest, or simply don't care whether or not they have one.
Step 7:
Note that the interests of nerds and geeks often overlap. Most nerds enjoy the more intellectual forms of science fiction and most geeks have a higher knowledge of science or encyclopedic data than the general population.
Step 8:
Aim to assume nothing and to treat all fellow human beings with equal respect, whatever label they're self-applying or you're tempted to apply. While there are a number of (often geek) commentators arguing that the term "geek" has a more modern, updated and positive connotation than that of "nerd", the viewpoint is in the eye (or argument) of the beholder. The best approach to speaking and engaging with any person in your life is to be respectful, considerate and caring before all.
  • Remember that someone who calls themselves a nerd or geek may have different definition or interpretation of the term than you do. There are regional trends, but definitions should be examined on a person-by-person basis.
  • Some geeks perceive themselves as having transitioned from being a nerd earlier in life to becoming a switched-on geek later in life, almost like an epiphany, or a rite of passage. Whatever the case, most of us have experienced growth at various stages of life, so try not to box anybody in with past expectations.
  • Be aware that 'your' application of either the term "geek" or "nerd" to another person may be viewed as an insult, whereas if said within the group, it may be viewed as positive.

The difference between a geek, nerd, and dork, as explained by a self-proclaimed three-in-one package (a geek/nerd/dork). Proving it isn't easy to make such distinctions...

  • To engage a geek or a nerd in conversation, be prepared to accept that there is something fundamentally interesting about what they obsess about. You may not fully understand why, but just accept that it is so.
  • Nerds may not feel the need to defend attacks against their areas of interest, since they simply don't care so much about others' opinions. Geeks are typically very energetic, and will jump at the chance to discuss a topic they care about, to help convince you about its worth.
  • The interests of geeks are often ridiculed or put-down by those who do not fully appreciate them. Nerds themselves are often ridiculed or put-down by those who do not fully understand them.
  • Some nerds believe that their interests are of "potential value to humanity as a whole, although humanity doesn't know it yet".
  • Geeks are typically able to extrapolate beyond an object's immediate value to foresee future value, although many will merely see a trinket, hoarding, or garbage.
  • Very generally, a nerd might become a scientist or inventor, while a geek might become an engineer, an academic, or a critic (such as of films).
  • Geeks qualify for Mensa; nerds join. (Geeks and nerds both qualify for Mensa, however, nerds—preferring the company of others with similarly high IQ's—are more likely to join Mensa, just as nerds are more likely to pick a fellow nerd for a mate.)
  • Nerds and geeks, by their very nature, will never be 'mainstream' or accepted by the general populace. All one can do is attempt to be a little more open-minded, and a little more understanding of one another.
  • It is possible that somebody is either a nerd, or a geek, and doesn't realize it, and therefore doesn't celebrate their status or, identify with it, and may even be struggling to be seen as "mainstream".
  • Both geeks and nerds may have traits of Asperger's syndrome, which is soon to disappear as a separate diagnostic category and be incorporated into the high end of autistic-spectrum disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. Becoming aware of this, if it fits you, can do much to alleviate the constant pain of trying to fit in where you cannot do so, when a greater measure of self-acceptance and capitalizing on your undeniable strengths would be a better strategy for leading a fruitful and happy life.
  • Geeks are well aware of their "geekiness". Many geeks are even proud of being a geek, hence the launching of sites such as, LifeHacker, Gizmodo, and Engadget. Therefore, do not ever challenge a geek's level of 'geekdom' if you wish to converse with them. Likewise, do not question the intellect of a nerd, lest you be shunned from their conversations.
  • Many nerds and geeks are introverted, and some are even asocial. They may even not want to talk to you at all. Be patient when conversing with them.
  • Don't assume that geeks and nerds only have one interest. A linguist or artist may also happen to play football or guitar.
  • Nerds and geeks are often clever and witty. Enjoying the SyFy channel or knowing the Constitution in Latin are not grounds for claims of inferiority.
  • Do not assume that nerds and geeks want to be "converted" into "popular" people. Despite common misconception, nerds and geeks do not worship the popular, nor are they frightened by those who are seemingly popular. In fact, there may even be pity for the popular person's shallow lifestyle.
  • Geeks are generally more open to talk things out with you if they disagree; a nerd will typically shun you if you do not provide a fleshed-out or logical counter-argument. Don't take it personally; simply realize that they're probably very frustrated that other people don't connect with them at the same intellectual level.
  • It is possible for someone to be a nerd and a geek, depending on definition. For example, people who like Star Trek may be interested in NASA level quantum physics. A tomato gardener may have a degree in bio-chemical engineering. Many "nerd" and "geek" interests interlace. Often being a geek leads to being a nerd, as people research areas of science and technology appropriate to their interest. Similarly, nerds can become geeks, as expertise leads to interests outside the typically "academic".

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Night After Christmas

Not too many people remember that Clement Moore wrote "Night Before Christmas" while visiting the Constable family of Constableville in Very Northern New York State.  It is said that the beauty of that evening in this small hamlet nestled between the Adirondack Park and Lake Ontario inspired him to write this timeless poem.  I spent most of my life living near Constable Hall and so this poem has special meaning to me.  When visiting the hall I can look across the rolling lawn and surrounding farmland and imagine what it looked like that evening.  For this reason, and because it is just a wonderful little story, it's a tradition to read "Night Before Christmas" to my children. 

I'm not posting Clement Moore's poem.

I thought you might enjoy this parody:

The Night After Christmas

‘Twas the night after Christmas, when all through the house
Every soul was abed, and as still as a mouse;
The stockings, so lately St. Nicholas’ care,
Were emptied of all that was eatable there.
The darlings had duly been tucked in their beds –
With very full stomachs, and pains in their heads.
I was dozing away in my new cotton cap,
And Nancy was rather far gone in a nap,
When out in the nurs’ry arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my sleep, crying — “What is the matter?”
I flew to each bedside — still half in a doze –
Tore open the curtains, and threw off the clothes;
While the light of the taper served clearly to show
The piteous plight of those objects below;
For what to the fond father’s eyes should appear
But the little pale face of each sick little dear?
For each pet that had crammed itself full as a tick,
I knew in a moment now felt like Old Nick.
Their pulses were rapid, their breathing the same,
What their stomachs rejected I’ll mention by name –
Now Turkey, now Stuffing, Plum Pudding, of course,
And Custards, and Crullers, and Cranberry sauce;
Before outraged nature, all went to the wall,
Yes — Lollypops, Flapdoddle, Dinner and all;
Like pellets which urchins from popguns let fly,
Went figs, nuts and raisins, jam, jelly and pie,
Till each error of diet was brought to my view,
To the shame of Mamma and Santa Claus, too.
I turned from the sight, to my bedroom stepped back,
And brought out a phial marked “Pulv. Ipecac.,”
When my Nancy exclaimed — for their sufferings shocked her –
“Don’t you think you had better, love, run for the Doctor?”
I ran — and was scarcely back under my roof,
When I heard the sharp clatter of old Jalap’s hoof.
I might say that I hardly had turned myself round,
When the Doctor came into the room with a bound.
He was covered with mud from his head to his foot,
And the suit he had on was his very worst suit;
He had hardly had time to put that on his back,
And he looked like a Falstaff half fuddled with sack.
His eyes, how they twinkled! Had the Doctor got merry?
His cheeks looked like Port and his breath smelt ofSherry,
He hadn’t been shaved for a fortnight or so,
And the beard on his chin wasn’t white as the snow.
But inspecting their tongues in despite of their teeth,
And drawing his watch from the waistcoat beneath,
He felt of each pulse, saying — “Each little belly
Must get rid” — here he laughed — of the rest of that jelly.”
I gazed on each chubby, plump, sick little elf,
And groaned when he said so, in spite of myself;
But a wink of his eye when he physicked our Fred
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
He didn’t prescribe, but went straightway to work
And dosed all the rest, gave his trousers a jerk,
And, adding directions while blowing his nose,
He buttoned his coat; from his chair he arose,
Then jumped in his gig, gave old Jalap a whistle,
And Jalap dashed off as if pricked by a thistle;
But the Doctor exclaimed, ere he drove out of sight,
“They’ll be well by to-morrow — good-night, Jones, good-night!”

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Horrors Inflicted on Preteens

See this adorable little guy. He's cute as a bug's ear, isn't he?  Why yes, yes he is.  He's only 11 and my Cutie Patootie. My Squishy McSquishington.  Yup, that's right, he's my baby.  How did you guess?
Okay, you caught me.  This is where I store my  kids.
{Now you know how I stay relatively sane.}
Last night my poor baby had horrors inflicted upon him that no child should ever have to bear - just ask him. Jerome is the first of my kids to go with me through Project KNOW.  Project Know is the school's way of teaching children about puberty and, over the next year, human sexuality.  Unlike the previous school where it was a deep, dark secret that was kept between the school and the students, here the courses are taught with the parents being kept informed of what is being told to the kids.

Now this is where Jerome was tortured.  Last night he and I attended a meeting where we watched a video on puberty {the same movie the class will be watching again today}.  My poor baby spent most of the movie with his face covered and mumbling "This is so disgusting! This is sick!".  At the end of the meeting I whispered to his guidance counselor that I thought he was going to die and she laughed and said she thought the same thing.  We both agreed that this is the best way for him to learn, this way he can be comfortable enough to ask me questions.  For the time being, however, he hasn't brought it up.  When we got home he ran in the house and told everyone just how terrible the whole thing was and then the subject was dropped.

At least the door is open...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Free e-books - Who can resist that?

I'm always looking for a deal - isn't everyone?  I am a devout follower of The Frugal Girls, where so many great deals are shared with the rest of use.  Being an avid reader {I was once told that I have "a ravenous appetite for reading"} I will read anything put in front of me, including cereal boxes and toothpaste tubes.  I love free e-books and wanted to share some of them with you all. 

You can find this free for kindle at "Sweet Baklava".

Read it on your Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, or your PC & Mac! Go here to get your free Amazon reader App!

Got a Nook? You can also get ‘Sweet Baklava‘ for FREE!
Prices change often, so if it’s still Free… the price will still be listed as $0.00.

Right now you can get the ‘A Skillet, a Spatula, and a Dream Cookbook‘ by Barbara Bretton for FREE!

  • Got a Kindle or eReader App?  Get it for FREE on Amazon!
  • Got a Nook? Get it for FREE on Barnes & Noble
  • Go here to get your free Amazon reader App! (Read it on your Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, or your PC & Mac)
  • Prices change often, so if it’s still Free… the price will still be listed as $0.00.

This month’s FREE Barnes & Noble Online Read-A-Loud for Kids is The Polar Express.

Head on over here to have the book read aloud to your kiddos!

Could you use some more fun cookie recipes?
Head on over and ‘Like’ Family Circle on Facebook, then select ‘Free Holiday Cookie Recipes’ to get your free .pdf e-cookbook!

Right now Amazon is offering ‘A Victorian Christmas‘ for FREE!
Read it on your Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, or your PC & Mac! Go here to get your free Amazon reader App!
Got a Nook? You can also grab ‘A Victorian Christmas‘ for FREE!
Prices change often, so if it’s still Free… the price will still be listed as $0.00.

Every month, you can get a new Free Audio Book Download!

Through 12/31, download your free copy of ‘A Christmas Carol‘ {by Charles Dickens, read by Simon Vance}

Right now Amazon is offering the ‘The Everything Healthy Cooking for Parties Cookbook‘ for FREE!

Read it on your Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, or your PC & Mac! Go here to get your free Amazon reader App!
Got a Nook?  You can also grab ‘The Everything Healthy Cooking for Parties‘ for FREE!
Prices change often, so if it’s still Free… the price will still be listed as $0.00.

Amazon is offering the ‘A Hearth in Candlewood‘ e-book by Delia Parr for FREE!

Read it on your Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, or your PC & Mac! Go here to get your free Amazon reader App!
Got a Nook? You can also get the ‘A Hearth in Candlewood‘ for FREE!
Prices change often, so if it’s still Free… the price will still be listed as $0.00.

Amazon is offering the ‘Priced to Move‘ e-book by Ginny Aiken for FREE!

Read it on your Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, or your PC & Mac! Go here to get your free Amazon reader App!
Got a Nook? You can also get the ‘Priced to Move‘ for FREE!
Prices change often, so if it’s still Free… the price will still be listed as $0.00.

Right now Amazon is offering the ‘Amazing Cakes‘ e-Cookbook for FREE!

Read it on your Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, or your PC & Mac! Go here to get your free Amazon reader App!
Prices change often, so if it’s still Free… the price will still be listed as $0.00.

Planning a party?  Head on over to grab your FREE Paula Deen’s Holiday Hosting Guide eBook!  {this will be a .pdf file}

On the hunt for some fun Christmas Crafts and inspiration??

Go grab this FREE Christmas Crafts Ebook!  {this will be a .pdf download}

Amazon is offering the kids e-book ‘Catch That Collie‘ by Tarrin Lupo for FREE!

Read it on your Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, or your PC & Mac! Go here to get your free Amazon reader App!
Got a Nook?  You can also get ‘Catch That Collie‘ for FREE!
Prices change often, so if it’s still Free… the price will still be listed as $0.00.

Right now Amazon is offering the ‘Gooseberry Patch – Slow Cooking Cookbook‘ for FREE!

Read it on your Kindle, Blackberry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, or your PC & Mac! Go here to get your free Amazon reader App!
Got a Nook? You can also get the ‘Gooseberry Patch – Slow Cooking Cookbook‘ for FREE!
Prices change often, so if it’s still Free… the price will still be listed as $0.00.