Friday, April 3, 2020

The Path We Choose

Day 21 of Social Distancing.

It's a simple chart. I saw it on Facebook today, and shared it.

This chart:

I've been watching people at both ends of the spectrum.

There have been a few people who are focusing on things that annoy them. Their anger and bitterness has come out. Many of their posts are complaints. I don't want to focus on them.

Most of the people I know are in the Growth Zone. That's the zone I'm in. I want to focus on the positive. Sure, like many people, the news gets to be too much and I want to cry. Everyone needs a good cry. It relieves pressure. Most of the time I'm using this time to do something constructive. I cleaned every cabinet, drawer and closet that I can get to. Cleaning. Lots of cleaning. I'm teaching myself, with the help of YouTube, how to play finger-style guitar. I'm working on a complex counted cross stitch. I found a website to learn how to code. Not anything extensive like my web developer son, but to build on what he taught me of HTML and CSS. Maybe I'll get back to my book. It was getting too painful to write about my life, but maybe my story will help someone. I've even taken advantage of the early Spring to start working on my flower beds. Helping at church has turned into an hour or so a few days a week, instead of the 20+ hours a week that I had spent volunteering there. At least I'm still able to help. Relaxation. That has been something I've felt guilty about. I'm using this time to relax.

What path are you choosing?

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